Following on from Looking Glass, Curator is a more intense programme, which provides focused peer group support. Using the artistic vocabulary and language gained during Looking Glass, participants work on understanding identities, and creating roles in society. There is emphasis on making the changes you have come to recognise as important, and being able to make good, life-affirming decisions. The work in Curator is a mix of sessional work, individual projects and online groups, working on iPads to create eBook portfolios.

Face the facts of being what you are for that is what changes what you are. Søren Kierkegaard

Beyond Curator: During the first Curator programme, each student produced an e-book on a subject of their choice. These covered mental health in the workplace, in schools, in the Somali community, as well and bullying and cyber-bullying. At the end of the programme, they were asked to take part in a showcase presentation at The Curve in Slough, at a celebration on World Mental Health Day. See the Being and Belonging presentation on our YouTube Channel

The group were also asked to contribute to the Enabling Town Slough website; we
and they made a presentation as a group on the theme of Being and Belonging,and two students shared their own mental health journeys. Visit the Enabling Town Slough website

“What is most important is that you sit together and discuss things! Something that you don’t get from other courses. You come together for a purpose, not a threatening environment, comfortable, so that you talk about at without thinking what other people would think. You feel you are valued. No one tells you what to do, what to think. You feel human again and you have fun.”

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